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We are pleased to announce a series of thought-provoking, timely discussions around different HR topics.
As you are well aware, we will be unable to host our 2020 GE HR Alumni Conference at Crotonville. And so — until we can meet again in person — your planning committee is arranging a series of thought-provoking, timely discussions with some of the HR leaders in our network. The sessions will be zoom meetings, none longer than 90 minutes in length, and will cover a range of topics that are of interest to our HR audience.
October 1, 2020: Leadership Now
The featured speaker for our first event will be GE alumna Kim Seymour, Chief People Officer at WW (formerly Weight Watchers). Kim was slated to be a plenary session for our October conference, however, since we will not be together, she has graciously agreed to host an on-line session: Leadership Now: Lessons from Before, During and After Covid-19. Kim will lead what is sure to be a lively discussion on the challenges and opportunities she and her team have encountered since the start of the pandemic, with a unique perspective on matters of diversity and inclusion initiatives, as well. Kim was previously an executive in HR for American Express and prior to that at GE. In June she was featured in a Forbes article and in August quoted in Fortune magazine with other CHRO‘s.
October 28, 2020: Re-imagining Work
Our next webinar will be led by Raghu Krishnamoorthy – current Executive Director of Mentora and former CHRO of GE. He will be speaking on “Re-imagining Work: Impact of the virus on how our notion of work has changed”. In this session, Raghu will paint a picture of how this is going to affect the employee-organizational relationship moving forward and the implications and actions needed to re-imagine talent strategy, learning strategy and organizational culture.
Click here to register for any webinar.
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