Business Simulations

GPS has partnered to bring you 10+ online simulations, including some totally virtual, ranging from one-hour engaging fun team building to multi-day executive development.

With 25+ years of developing and providing simulations for 20,000+ participants through experiential learning (Concrete Experiences to Active Experimentation Cycle via David Kolb) using team challenges, tinker toys, darts, straws, legos or index cards…all have been very powerful learning and memorable!

Today’s on-line simulations from GPS include:

  • business/financial acumen
  • strategy from running a small business
  • major enterprise-facing dilemmas, including a version for today’s pandemic!
  • virtual simulations from be 90 minutes to multi-half day
  • standalone or integrated as part of a longer program
  • multi-session split days truly help with leadership development.
  • Life Science industry as one of the simulation’s focus.

Please contact us to discuss your particular needs, explore which simulation is best for your organziation, receive a list of available simulations, or see some of them in action.